Weird Ink Drawings

Getting back into obsessive ink drawing. High flow acrylic was also used.

Real Ink

Wow. March — what a rollercoaster. A lot happened. A lot didn’t happen. But you’re not here for an anxiety recap. You’re here for new art. I assume.

In March I dusted off my dip pen (nib pen?) and inkwells and actually drew on paper (not that I haven’t drawn on paper in recent times, but it has mostly been for sketching purposes). Over 30 times to boot! The drawings below are, again, not in chronological order. The physical drawings are roughly the size of playing cards, and I kept shuffling them as if they actually were. It was fun.

I also started painting again, mostly in a sketchbook that I bought years ago, used three pages of, and had abandoned. But I haven’t scanned any of these paintings so you will not see them here. I forgot how annoying scanning is — though leaving drawings that need scanning to pile up to 30 plus pieces before doing so was probably the main source of annoyance here.

Anyway, thanks for reading! This year is flying (and dragging), let’s all try to enjoy what is left of April — which is seemingly a lot, but probably not enough.


Not Enough Flowers

Hello, hello!

Over the month of February 2023 I finished the following spot illustrations! They are all personal pieces — made for fun — and are an exploration of fashion, costumery, geometry, sculpture, and florals. The florals are a bit subtle, I know.

I want to continue this series throughout the year (if not this series, one similar). I would also like to expand the series by branching out into different mediums. These were all made digitally in Procreate, but I would like to start experimenting with printmaking, sculpture materials (clay, wood, etc.), plain old pen, ink, and paper, and other things I’ve been missing lately.

Perhaps my digital drawings will be guides for more tactile work. We’ll see. I’ll keep you posted.

Anyway, the illustrations below are definitely not presented in chronological order — but they were posted in order over on my instagram though you’ll have to work backward and scroll down to see the first in the series … you know how social media works.

Ok, thanks for reading! Enjoy the drawings! Talk to you soon.


Society of Illustrators 65 Annual Exhibit and Book Selected Illustration

I’m very excited to share that my illustration, “Dream Job” was selected to be a part of The Society of Illustrators 65 Annual Exhibit and Book. “Dream Job” is an uncommissioned illustration about overwork, stress, and burnout in the workplace.

It will be on view at The Society of Illustrators in NYC from 11 January through 11 February 2023.

This is my first time being selected to be featured in the Illustrators Annual. Many, many thanks to the judges, and to everyone at The Society for putting the show and book together!

Madeline McMahon's illustration, "Dream Job," portrays a man crying at his cubicle at work while his coworkers stare at him. It is a piece about overwork, stress, and burnout in the workplace.

Creative Quarterly 63

Very excited to announce that this illustration series of mine was named a Runner-up in Creative Quarterly 63! They will be published in Creative Quarterly’s online gallery in summer 2021.

To see the full list of winners click here

The Believer Magazine February/March Featured Artist

Very excited to announce that I am the Featured Artist in the February/March 2021 Issue of The Believer magazine! In this series of eight illustrations I chose to explore “unknown paths.”

If you’d like to order a copy you can do so here:

Quarantine Drawings Part 24