Weird Ink Drawings
Getting back into obsessive ink drawing. High flow acrylic was also used.
Wow. March — what a rollercoaster. A lot happened. A lot didn’t happen. But you’re not here for an anxiety recap. You’re here for new art. I assume.
In March I dusted off my dip pen (nib pen?) and inkwells and actually drew on paper (not that I haven’t drawn on paper in recent times, but it has mostly been for sketching purposes). Over 30 times to boot! The drawings below are, again, not in chronological order. The physical drawings are roughly the size of playing cards, and I kept shuffling them as if they actually were. It was fun.
I also started painting again, mostly in a sketchbook that I bought years ago, used three pages of, and had abandoned. But I haven’t scanned any of these paintings so you will not see them here. I forgot how annoying scanning is — though leaving drawings that need scanning to pile up to 30 plus pieces before doing so was probably the main source of annoyance here.
Anyway, thanks for reading! This year is flying (and dragging), let’s all try to enjoy what is left of April — which is seemingly a lot, but probably not enough.